
I love to do chemistry. Though there has been a time, where my work seemed to weird or not relevant to chemistry, or I seemed not worthy to have my own name on my research. My research is controversial and I am regularly censored. Therefore, I host my own website on my own silicon.

So if you find my work usefull, then you can cite it. This then is also peer-review. However, reading it, using it, and not citing it is the worst thing you can do.

This article summarizes the consequences of plagiarism quite well. Remember you harm the author, your readers, and yourself when you do not cite work you are using.

I also enjoy doing other types of science, such as computer science, simulation science, psychology and social sciences. One topic I am really passionate about is Lean Drug Development. I made a section for you, to find out about Lean Drug Development. Lean Drug Development is a whole movement I started and for me it is great, as it combines almost all of my fields of interest.



Google Scholar

Research Gate

Lean Drug Development


I can speak especially for my country, Germany, but here the well-being of the country depends on the social security system. Yet, I think the same problems are present all around the world.

The social security system was a great idea, however at the moment it is abused and we pay for a lot of things that could be better or left out.

For example the prices of medications are very high and curing a disease is more and more monopolized, while the cost of developing a cure is rising exponentially.

On the other hand, the current state of the civilization is creating diseases by design. I think that the monopolization of disease treatment and the enforcement of diseases on the citizen do not fit together.

We need a new mindset and a new way of curing diseases. And that's what Lean Drug Development is about.


In 2020, I started a movement, called Lean Drug Development. The movement is about applying everything we know from technology, especially open-source technology to the pharmeceutical industry. Both industries, the IT and chemical industry can learn a lot from each other but also especially from other manufacturing industries like the car and textile industry.

What it is not

Lean methodology can be abused in the agile world as some kind of techno fix. Lean Drug Devlopment is not created in the mindset of a techno fix, and all major discoveries sofar proved to be anything but techno-fixes

Success Stories

So far the movement created:

→ A decentralized community that runs even without a dedicated place in the internet

→ Best-in class AI algorithms

→ New quantum chemical theories

→ Decentralized manufacturing

→ Blockchain community and DAOs

→ Placement of projects in the Forbes 30 under 30 list



  • Can Flourine form triple Bonds?
  • Introducing CARATE, Finally speaking chemistry through learning hidden wave function representations on graph convulutional and attention neural networks
  • Understanding chemistry through explaining quantum chemistry with graph attention and convulutional neural networks
  • The sound of silence: Simulating the dynamics of black holes through direct simulation of Bose-Einstein-Condensates using Molecular Dynamics and the Lennard-Jonses Potential


  • Statistical Modelling of biodegradbility
  • Markov chain modelling of dynamic interaction patterns in supramolecular complexes



  • Bifold Summer School 2023
  • MII retreat October 2023


  • Poster at GCC 2022 in Garmisch Patenkirchen (Probing the Binding Pocket of a T-Type Calcium Channel Using Pharmacophores and Markov State Modelling)